Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Unwanted Belief

     The Texas Government will be faced with an enormous $25-30 billion dollar deficit in 2011. So many of the state agencies are forced to find ways and cut back their budgets by nearly 15% or more after the actual deficit has been fully recognized. This is a huge problem for many Texans and our state government. The big question is where do we cut back? We don't. Concerns are at the top for many state employees about their jobs and state benefits. Also, state funded education agencies have concerns for students who rely on student loans to fund their education. By slashing state jobs and public education is not a healthy decision for any Texan. Overall, this is darkening nightmare for this CONSERVATIVE state in 2011. Currently, Texas has a Conservative Governor, Conservative Senate, and a Conservative House of Representatives who are stubborn and oppose raising taxes at the top of their political minds. I am not a favorable advocate in raising taxes but I would consider raising taxes by a small percentage. We need to raise taxes to help reduce at least half of our deficit as the Legislation finds alternative solutions to our current problem. Such an action will help prevent an increase in our current unemployment. Students can continue with their education and vocational job training and keep our economy growing versus slowing down. Republicans have always been symbolized by the elephant, which is slow moving and heavy. Lets loosen up the belt and breathe. Texas is a very wealthy state, has 3 of the most populous, and known to have pricey, customized trucks in the nation. I'm sure every working Texan, rich and poor, would not mind pitching a few pennies to their taxes and help reduce half of our deficit. As a native Texan, I would encourage every Republican to remove Con from their title and replacing it with Pre to help preserve our jobs, education, and our homes. By this action of preserving, would be an unwanted belief by the Republicans.

1 comment:

  1. After reading a couple of my classmates’ blogs one caught my attention, it is Moderate with an Iron Fist blog. My classmate’s commentary titled “unwanted belief” is based on a very important issue that Texas will have a $25-30 billion dollar deficit in 2011. I think his intended audience is all Texas residents because this will affect everyone, working people, poor, students, etc. His commentary is very straight forward, a good explanation of the issue he is introducing and his solution for the problem. In his commentary he explains how different agencies have to cut their budget and that this will cause the loss of many jobs and will lead to a rise in unemployment. He also mentions how students will be affected, this part is very important for me because I receive financial aid. I rely on financial aid to pay for my education and next semester I will attend the University of Texas at Austin and I will need more financial aid. I believe I am not the only one in this situation and many others are worried about what will happen next year with the cuts the governments are planning to make. I agree with the author, “We need to raise taxes to help reduce at least half of our deficit as the [Legislature] finds alternative solutions to our current problem.” I don’t know if that’s the best solution to fix the problem but it sounds like a good start until government finds a better solution. I prefer to pay a little more taxes than face a problem like California is facing or worse than that.
